Información de Descargas

Buy and Download Files

1.General Information

Download Information

The productions are deliveried in the following digital formats:

  • MP3 Audio
  • ZIP File
MP3 Audio

The audios in MP3 format are downloaded directly and can be played with your favorite audio player.

ZIP File

The production in zip files are downloaded and then to be played there is to unzip them using some decompression software like 7zip or Winzip. Once unpacked the MP3 audios will be ready to play in your favorite audio player.
Digital Download: I am aware that the products purchased are 100% digital for download, which excludes the hardware or CD.


2.a But with MercadoPago

    1. Click Buy

mercado Pago

    1. A page like the following will appear:

Pagina mercado Pago

  1. Choose favorite payment method.
  2. When you finish making the payment, MercadoPago will redirect you to the Download Page

2.b How to Buy with paypal

    1. Clic Buy

comprar paypal

    1. A page like the following will appear:

Pagina Paypal

  1. Choose favorite payment method..
  2. When you finish making the payment, Paypal will redirect you to the Download Page

2.c Free Download

    1. Clic Free Download

Descarga Gratuita

    1. The download page will appear
    2. If you wish you can make a donation throughPaypal.
    3. Click Donate
    4. A page like the following will appear:

Pagina Paypal

  1. Enter the donation amount you want.

2.d Download Code

    1. Enter the Download code in the field

Codigo de Descarga

  1. The Download Page will appear
  2. You can only use the code entered once
  3. If the code entered is invalid, you will be noticed on the screen
  4. If you wish you can make a donation through Paypal.

3. Download Page

    1. Complete the form with your data
    2. Click Download
    3. A new window will open that you will have to allow in the browser so that the download is made correctly. The data form will become:

    1. Download will begin:

  1. If the download does not start, please enable the pop-up window that blocks the browser, or click “here

Declaración de los derechos reservados/Declaration of Copyright

Toda la música y material de audio ofrecido en esta Web site es protegida por copyright y no se pueden utilizar o reproducir sin el permiso de escritura del compositor y del copyright, Pablo Ojeda - todos los derechos reservados.

All music and audio recordings featured on this website is protected by copyright and may not be used or reproduced without the written permission of the copyright and composer Pablo Ojeda - All rights reserved.
